Dear friends,
As you know, Nuts and Bolts Symposiums is all about engagement, motivation, and hands-on interactions. Our number one priority is the health and safety of our clients, colleagues, and our speakers. For the first time in 30+ years the Nuts and Bolts Symposiums for the summer/fall of 2020 will be cancelled.
I want you to know that I value the relationship you have with the Nuts and Bolts family. You truly recognize the value of our kind of professional development, and I am very sorry if your plans have been or will be affected by the current situation.
For many in our Nuts and Bolts family of presenters and consultants professional development is our livelihood and our personal passion. If you are looking for ways to stay connected to Nuts and Bolts, here is a list of some ideas to keep quality professional development alive for you, your school, or district:
- Bring one of the Nuts and Bolts speakers to your school
- Have us create a motivating virtual conference for your school
- Have one of our speakers do your school district opening keynote
- Purchase our books and materials for staff-wide book studies
- Bring Nuts and Bolts to your school – invite other schools to take part in this unique professional development experience
- If you have already paid for Nuts and Bolts, apply that amount to next year’s symposium or for a speaker to come to you
I truly appreciate any support you can provide.
Remember, We’re Ready When You’re Ready.
Jack Berckemeyer
Owner and Director of Nuts and Bolts Symposiums